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Everything we do is built on Five Promises

Please feel free to reach out to any of our team members with questions about our programs and services.  



Youth First was established and is led by the active collaboration of the Northwestern Anoka County Community Consortium (NWACCC). The entities that comprise this award winning model include: the cities of Andover, Coon Rapids, and Ramsey, Anoka County, and the Anoka Hennepin School District.


The Joint Powers Agreement reflects the first time in Minnesota history that five units of government collaborated to impact young people’s lives and were awarded the National Association of Counties Award for its replicable and effective programming with at-risk youth and families.


Executive Board

Board Chair:  Michelle Anderson 

612-508-2957     Email

Vice Chair:  Jim Dickinson

763-767-5110       Email


Secretary:  Ryan Gunderson

763-767-6513      Email


Michelle Anderson

Matt Woestehoff

Nick Dahlberg

Dan Specht (Alternate)


Jim Dickinson

Stephanie Wallin 

Anoka County

Gayle Alexander

Bill Jacobson

Julie Jeppson

Erik Thorson

Julie Braastad (Alternate)

Coon Rapids

Ryan Gunderson

Kari Rehrauer

Anoka Hennepin Schools

Michelle Trelstad

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