Everything we do is built on Five Promises
The “Five Promises” framework was developed by the America’s Promise Alliance whose research shows that youth who receive at least four of the five promises are more likely to succeed academically, socially, and civically, regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or other barriers.
Youth are 5 to 10 times more likely to succeed as students, citizens, parents, and employees when they have these five specific promises that are the cornerstone of our program and woven into how we serve each youth.
Across all our programs, we work to remove barriers and prioritize creating a nurturing, inclusive environment that supports learning, personal development, and access to a variety of resources including basic needs items.

Promise 1
Caring Adults
Caring adults are the centerpieces of youth development. They serve as guides, caretakers and advisers, who give positive and productive guidance throughout their development.
We are dedicated to creating meaningful and caring relationships with youth to promote their growth and resilience.

Promise 2
Safe Places
To develop intellectually and emotionally, young people need physical and psychological safety at home, at school, and in the community.
We are mission focused and one of our core strengths lies in being recognized as a safe place for ALL youth and their families in the community.

Promise 3
A Healthy Start
Emotionally and physically healthy youth are more able to develop their minds and bodies and they are far more capable of concentrating, learning and thriving throughout their school years.
We provide guidance on maintaining proper nutrition and provide opportunities for engaging in physical activity together.

Promise 4
Effective Education
Our increasingly knowledge-driven world demands people who have the education and skills to thrive in a competitive marketplace, and to understand the increasingly complex world in which they live.
We support academic success and work to increase social emotional skills, providing opportunities for learning and growing beyond the classroom.

Promise 5
Opportunities to Help Others
Through service to others, our youth develop the character and competence they need to be helpful, hopeful and civically engaged, regardless of their own life circumstances.
We foster a sense of community, self-respect and service that promotes a strong community bond. In our programs, we grow that bond by taking the opportunity to learn about and celebrate the diversity within our community.